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Frequently Asked Questions

Can we host a corporate party or event at your venue?

Do you have an option to host birthday parties or baby showers?

Can our wedding guests leave cars overnight?

Can we get in Friday night to set up for a Saturday wedding?

Are there overnight accomodations nearby?

Is there a discount if we don't utilize the bar services?

Are we able to have a rehearsal or rehearsal supper at the venue?

When is the final headcount required?

Who is responsible for set up and tear down?

Are pets allowed at the event center?

Do you have a piano or keyboard for us to use?

Yes! Please contact us via email at to discuss details and we will give you a pricing quote.

While we want to help you celebrate all of life's big events, we do mostly cater towards larger events/parties. We have a $1,000 minimum fee which is subject to change based on event details and venue availability. Please reach out to us via email at if this is something you are interested in!

Yes, cars may be left overnight in our parking lot but must be picked up by noon the following day. We encourage everyone to drink responsibly and find a sober ride home!

Our rental agreement states you have access to the venue from 7am-midnight for a Saturday wedding. This is the time you have to set up for the wedding. If 2 months before your wedding we don't have another wedding booked on Friday night, the day before your event, you can have the option to decorate for 2 hours the night before for no extra charge.

Yes! The Garner Inn and Suites is located less than a mile away. There are also multiple other hotels located 12 miles away in Clear Lake and Forest City.

No, our rental fee is the same whether or not you choose to have bar services available for your guests. No outside alcohol may be brought into the facility.

If your booking allows for 2 hours to decorate the night before your wedding, you may use this time for a walk through if you wish. We ask that you have rehearsal supper at a different location. If your booking doesn't allow for time to decorate the night before, don't worry, your reservation allows time for a walk through on your wedding day!

We require your final headcount 4 weeks prior to your event in addition to your event details sheet. This allows for us to ensure everything is set and ready to go for your big day!

Up 4 Celebrations Event Center staff will set up all tables and chairs for your event as well as cover tables with your choice of black or white table clothes. You will have the responsibility of decorating the space beyond this. Garbage receptacles will be emptied by our staff throughout the night. The renter is responsible for bussing tables, this can be done by the host/hostess, caterer, or your guests. At the end of the night, you have the responsibility of cleaning up all decorations and any trash left by guests and our staff will take care of tearing down tables and chairs.

Pets must be pre-approved by management and will only be allowed during the ceremony.

No, we do not, but you are welcome to bring your own!

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